Version applicable as of 22 September 2023
This Privacy Policy (‘policy’) describes how UAB Convenity (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”, “We”, “Us”, “Our”) collects, uses, discloses, and stores your personal information and what statutory rights do you have.
We are: UAB Convenity, trading as Emura;
Yritysnumero: 306178201
Osoite: Gedimino g. 45-7, LT-44239 Kaunas, Lithuania
Milloin tämä koskee minua? | Millaisia tietoja minusta kerätään? | Mikä on oikeudellinen peruste tietojeni keräämiselle? | Mistä keräätte tietoja? | Olenko velvoitettu tarjoamaan tietoa? | Kuinka kauan minusta kerättyjä tietoja säilytetään? |
When you use / receive our online services and / or products | First name, last name, email address, password, other data that you provide while registering, date of account creation, date of user’s most recent log in, selected account settings, online services and/ or products received by user, tests’ results, games’ scores | Sopimus (GDPR Art. 6 (1) (b)) | Sinulta | It is a requirement necessary to enter into a contract. If you do not provide this information, you will not be able to use / receive our online services and / or products | 5 years from the last login to your account |
Milloin tämä koskee minua? | Millaisia tietoja minusta kerätään? | Mikä on oikeudellinen peruste tietojeni keräämiselle? | Mistä keräätte tietoja? | Olenko velvoitettu tarjoamaan tietoa? | Kuinka kauan minusta kerättyjä tietoja säilytetään? |
When you make a payment at our website | First name, last name, email, subscription plan, ordered services and / or products, paid amount, currency, payment information (card number, expiration date, CVC number, postal code) | Sopimus (GDPR Art. 6 (1) (b)) | Sinulta | It is a requirement necessary to enter into a contract. If you do not provide this information, you will not be able to use our services | 10 years from the moment you made a purchase |
Milloin tämä koskee minua? | Millaisia tietoja minusta kerätään? | Mikä on oikeudellinen peruste tietojeni keräämiselle? | Mistä keräätte tietoja? | Olenko velvoitettu tarjoamaan tietoa? | Kuinka kauan minusta kerättyjä tietoja säilytetään? |
When you use our website | IP address or other device address or ID, web browser and/or device type, hardware and software settings and configurations, the web pages or sites that you visit just before or just after visiting the Site, the pages you view on the Site, your actions on the Site, and the dates and times that you visit, access, or use the Services. When you use the Site on a mobile device, we may also collect the physical location of your device by, for example, using satellite, cell phone tower or wireless local area network signals | Sopimus (GDPR Art. 6 (1) (b)) | Sinulta | Ei | 1 month after you visit our website |
Milloin tämä koskee minua? | Millaisia tietoja minusta kerätään? | Mikä on oikeudellinen peruste tietojeni keräämiselle? | Mistä keräätte tietoja? | Olenko velvoitettu tarjoamaan tietoa? | Kuinka kauan minusta kerättyjä tietoja säilytetään? |
Kun lähetät kyselyn tai teet valituksen asiakaspalveluumme. | First name, last name, e-mail address, country, telephone number, subject of your inquiry, date of your inquiry, content of your inquiry, attachments to your inquiry, reply to your inquiry | Suostumus (GDPR Art. 6 (1) (a)) | Sinulta | Ei | 3 vuotta siitä hetkestä, kun viimeinen tiedustelu vastaanotettiin |
Milloin tämä koskee minua? | Millaisia tietoja minusta kerätään? | Mikä on oikeudellinen peruste tietojeni keräämiselle? | Mistä keräätte tietoja? | Olenko velvoitettu tarjoamaan tietoa? | Kuinka kauan minusta kerättyjä tietoja säilytetään? |
Kun haluamme antaa sinulle lisätietoja, kysyä mielipidettäsi tuotteistamme, tai näyttää sinulle internet-mainoksia. | Koko nimi, sähköpostiosoite, puhelinnumero, IP-osoite, tilaustiedot, maa, takaisinlähetystiedot, yrityksen verkkosivustolle ohjannut verkkosivusto, vuorovaikutuksesi internet-mainoksen kanssa. | Consent (Art. 6 (1) (a) of GDPR)(Art. 81 (1) of Lithuanian Law on Electronic Communications) Customer relationship (Art. 81 (2) of Lithuanian Law on Electronic Communications) |
Sinulta Sosiaalisen median palveluntarjoajilta Markkinoinnin palveluntarjoajilta |
Ei | 5 years after you use our services or after you give your consent, unless you withdraw your consent earlier |
Milloin tämä koskee minua? | Millaisia tietoja minusta kerätään? | Mikä on oikeudellinen peruste tietojeni keräämiselle? | Mistä keräätte tietoja? | Olenko velvoitettu tarjoamaan tietoa? | Kuinka kauan minusta kerättyjä tietoja säilytetään? |
Jos olet vuorovaikutuksessa sosiaalisen median profiiliemme kanssa (esim. lähetät viestin, seuraat profiileja, jaat postauksen, reagoit postaukseen). | Etu- ja sukunimi, sähköpostiosoite, sukupuoli, maa, valokuva, viesti, viestin vastaanoton aika ja päivämäärä, viestin sisältö, viestin liitteet, viestin vastaus, vastauksen aika, tiedot yrityksen luokituksesta, julkaisun kommentit, julkaisujen jaot, tiedot julkaisujen reaktioista. | Consent (Art. 6 (1) (a) of GDPR) |
From yourself and social media service platforms | Ei | 10 years from the moment you interact with our social media profiles |
Milloin tämä koskee minua? | Millaisia tietoja minusta kerätään? | Mikä on oikeudellinen peruste tietojeni keräämiselle? | Mistä keräätte tietoja? | Olenko velvoitettu tarjoamaan tietoa? | Kuinka kauan minusta kerättyjä tietoja säilytetään? |
When we receive your application for a job position, when you give us your consent, or we contact you based on the information you publicly disclose on professional social media platform | Koko nimi, sähköpostiosoite, puhelinnumero, CV, työkokemus + muut tiedot, jotka olet jakanut kanssamme. | Legitimate interest (to contact you when you publicly disclose your information on professional social media platforms) (Art. 6 (1) (f) of GDPR) | From yourself and professional social media platforms (i.e. Linkedin). | It is a requirement necessary to evaluate your competences and potential to fit into the open position in order for the company to find the right candidate | 6 months after the end of the relevant recruitment process, or 3 years after you give us your consent or publicly disclose your information on professional social media platforms |
Milloin tämä koskee minua? | Millaisia tietoja minusta kerätään? | Mikä on oikeudellinen peruste tietojeni keräämiselle? | Mistä keräätte tietoja? | Olenko velvoitettu tarjoamaan tietoa? | Kuinka kauan minusta kerättyjä tietoja säilytetään? |
Kun tilaat tuotteitamme. | Koko nimi, sähköpostiosoite, puhelinnumero, pankkitilin numero, osoite, allekirjoitus, laskut, raportit, kirjanpitodokumentit, maksut, maksetut summat + muut tiedot, joita laki velvoittaa meitä keräämään. | Laillinen velvoite (GDPR Art. 6 (1) (c)) Law on Accounting of the Republic of Lithuania |
Sinulta | Tietojen tarjoaminen on lakisääteinen velvoite. Jos et tarjoa vaadittuja tietoja, et voit ostaa tuotteita tai palveluita meiltä. | 10 years from a transaction |
Milloin tämä koskee minua? | Millaisia tietoja minusta kerätään? | Mikä on oikeudellinen peruste tietojeni keräämiselle? | Mistä keräätte tietoja? | Olenko velvoitettu tarjoamaan tietoa? | Kuinka kauan minusta kerättyjä tietoja säilytetään? |
In case we become a party or concerned party in legal process which you are subject to or we are statutorily required to collect and/or provide information about you in order to comply with the law | Kaikki edellä mainitut tiedot, kirjanpito- ja oikeusasiatiedostot, oikeudelliset asiakirjat, muut meille tarjoamasi tiedot, sekä tiedot, joita laki edellyttää meitä keräämään ja/tai toimittamaan | Laillinen velvoite (GDPR Art. 6 (1) (c)) Laillinen intressi (oikeuksiemme ja intressiemme suojeleminen) (GDPR Art. 6 (1) (f)). |
Edellä mainituista lähteistä, lainvalvontaviranomaisilta, oikeusprosessin alaisilta osapuolilta, tuomioistuimilta | You are statutorily obliged to provide personal information. In other cases, we will collect your personal information when we have a legitimate interest to defend our rights and interests | 10 years following the end of contractual relationship with us or, whichever is longer, for the duration of legal process and 3 years following the date of entry into force or full enforcement of a judgment of a court or authority |
Tapauksen ilmetessä - tiedot rikoksista ja tuomioista | Oikeudellisten vaatimusten esittäminen, käyttöönotto tai puolustaminen (GDPR Art. 9 (2) (f)). |
Jaamme tietosi tiedon vastaanottajien kanssa sekä Euroopan talousalueella (ETA) että sen ulkopuolella tapauksissa, joissa se on tarpeen edellä kuvattujen tarkoitusten ja sovellettavan lainsäädännön mukaisesti.
Tekstiviestipalvelun yhteydessä keräämämme henkilötiedot ovat matkapuhelinnumerosi, operaattorisi nimi sekä tekstiviestin päiväys, aika ja sisältö. Matkapuhelintietoja ei jaeta kolmansille osapuolille/kumppaneille markkinointitarkoituksiin. Lisätietoja siitä, miten käsittelemme henkilötietojasi, mukaan lukien puhelinnumeroita, löydät tietosuojakäytännöstä.
Tiedon vastaanottaja tai tiedon vastaanottajan kategoria | Tiedonsiirron tarkoitus | Vastaanottajan maa | Euroopan komission päätös siitä, onko ETA:n ulkopuolisessa maassa riittävä tietosuojan taso | Asianmukaiset suojatoimenpiteet, jotka suojaavat tietojani ETA:n ulkopuolisissa maissa |
Kirjanpito- ja tilintarkastuspalveluiden tarjoajat | Lakisääteisten kirjanpitovaatimusten täyttäminen | EU | Ei saatavilla | Ei saatavilla |
Arkistointipalveluiden tarjoajat | Arkiston ylläpitäminen | EU | Ei saatavilla | Ei saatavilla |
Sähköisten kommunikointipalveluiden tarjoajat | Sähköisen kommunikoinnin käyttö | EU | Ei saatavilla | Ei saatavilla |
Asianajajat, notaarit, ulosottomiehet, tilintarkastajat, tietosuojavastaavat, konsultit | Vaatimustenmukaisuuden varmistaminen, oikeuksiemme ja etujemme puolustaminen | EU | Ei saatavilla | Ei saatavilla |
Sähköposti- ja pilvipalveluntarjoajat | Tietoteknisten resurssien käyttö | Maailmanlaajuinen | N/A, including non-EEA countries | EU:n vakiosopimuslausekkeet |
Potential or actual acquirers of the Company's business/ part of the business, also their authorized consultants or other persons | To evaluate and/ or execute transactions concerning the ownership of the Company | EU | Ei saatavilla | Ei saatavilla |
Pankkitoiminta, maksujen käsittely ja muut rahoituspalveluiden tarjoajat | Maksujen prosessointi | Maailmanlaajuinen | N/A, including non-EEA countries | EU:n vakiosopimuslausekkeet |
Markkinoinnin ja telemarkkinoinnin palveluntarjoajat | To market our services | Maailmanlaajuinen | N/A, including non-EEA countries | EU:n vakiosopimuslausekkeet |
Asiakaspalveluntarjoajat | Asiakaspalvelun tarjoaminen | Maailmanlaajuinen | N/A, including non-EEA countries | EU:n vakiosopimuslausekkeet |
Sosiaalisen median palveluntarjoajat | Sosiaalisen median profiilien hallinta | Maailmanlaajuinen | N/A, including non-EEA countries | EU:n vakiosopimuslausekkeet |
My right | When this right is applicable to me? |
Right of access | when you seek to obtain confirmation as to whether we collect or otherwise process personal data concerning you, and, where that is the case, access to the personal data and the information about the data processing. |
Right to rectification | when you seek to obtain from us the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you. |
Right to erasure ('right to be forgotten') | - when personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed; - when you withdraw consent on which the processing is based and there is no other legal ground for the processing; - when you object to the processing and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing, or you object to the processing for direct marketing purposes; - where the personal data have been unlawfully processed; - where the personal data have to be erased for compliance with a legal obligation; - where the personal data have been collected in relation to the offer of information society services directly to a child and subject to a consent. |
Right to restriction of processing | - where the accuracy of the personal data is contested by you; - where the processing is unlawful and you oppose the erasure of the personal data and request the restriction of their use instead; - where we no longer need the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but they are required by you for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims; - where you have objected to processing. |
Right to data portability | where you seek to receive the data you have provided in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable form or to transmit those data to another controller, the processing is based on consent or on a contract and is carried out by automated means. |
Right to object | where the collection and use is based on a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested or legitimate interest, including profiling, as explained in Section 3 of this Privacy Policy, or where you object to the collection of your personal data for direct marketing purposes. |
Right to withdraw consent | where the processing is based on consent, as explained in Section 3 of this Privacy Policy, and you seek to withdraw it at any time. |
Right to lodge a complaint | If you believe that we are processing your personal data unlawfully or we are not implementing your rights, you have the right to file a claim before the responsible Data Protection supervisory authority. You can check Data Protection supervisory authorities‘ contact information by Member State here. |
If you would like to exercise your rights described above, please submit a request to us via e-mail at
Ehdottomasti. Voit pyytää valtuutettua edustajaa jättämään tietojen poistamispyynnön puolestasi, jos toimitat meille kirjallisen luvan valtuutetun edustajalta. Tällaisessa tapauksessa toimita meille kopio mainitusta luvasta, kuten tietosuojakäytännön kohdassa 18 on ohjeistettu. Saatamme evätä valtuutetun edustajan pyynnön, jos todisteita siitä, että olet valtuuttanut hänet toimimaan puolestasi, ei toimiteta. Voit tehdä pyynnön myös alaikäisen lapsesi puolesta.
Ei, emme tee päätöksiä, jotka perustuvat yksinomaan automatisoituun käsittelyyn, mukaan lukien profilointiin, joilla olisi sinua koskevia oikeudellisia vaikutuksia.
Yes, following cookies may be used in our Website:
Evästeen nimi | Cookie purpose/function | Evästeen voimassaoloaika |
Strictly Necessary | ||
HSID, SID | Security cookies to confirm visitor authenticity, prevent fraudulent use of login data and protect user data from unauthorized access. | 399 päivää |
CONSENT | Stores user’s state regarding their cookies choices | 394 päivää |
AEC | Prevents malicious sites from acting on behalf of a user without that user’s knowledge | 174 päivää |
ennence_session | This is used to hold information about your current visit with us. This cookie is essential to the functionality of the site. | Same day |
cje | This cookie is used by our platform to pass some information between pages. | 395 päivää |
parity_save_data | This cookie is used by one of our games to track the game progress. | 365 päivää |
emura_session | This is used to hold information about your current visit with us. This cookie is essential to the functionality of the site. | Up to 24 hours |
SIDCC | Security cookie to confirm visitor authenticity, prevent fraudulent use of login data and protect visitor data from unauthorized access. | 3 kuukautta |
apple_pay_supported | When a user visits a website that supports Apple Pay, the website may set the "apple_pay_supported" cookie to store a flag or indicator that their browser is capable of using Apple Pay as a payment method. This information can be used by the website to determine whether to display Apple Pay as a payment option during the checkout process. | 30 päivää |
rpp | This cookie is used by our platform to pass some information between pages. | 2 päivää |
cart | The "cart" cookie helps maintain the user's shopping session by keeping track of the items they have added to their cart. | 3 päivää |
srpp | This cookie is used by our platform to pass some information between pages | 7 päivää |
XRSF-TOKEN | This cookie is written to help with site security in preventing Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks. | Same day |
NID, _Secure-ENID | This cookie is used to remember your preferences and other information, such as your preferred language, how many results you prefer to display on a search results page (for example, 10 or 20) and whether you want Google's SafeSearch filter to be activated. | 183 päivää |
Statistics Cookies | ||
_ga, _ga_7D261W9FDJ | The _ga cookie, installed by Google Analytics, calculates visitor, session and campaign data and also keeps track of site usage for the site's analytics report. The cookie stores information anonymously and assigns a randomly generated number to recognize unique visitors. | 400 päivää |
_ga_* | The _ga cookie, installed by Google Analytics, calculates visitor, session and campaign data and also keeps track of site usage for the site's analytics report. The cookie stores information anonymously and assigns a randomly generated number to recognize unique visitors. | 400 päivää |
_gat_gtag_* | Google Analytics - Used to analyse visitor browsing habits, flow, source and other information. Expires immediately. | 1 day |
_Secure-1PSID | The purpose of this cookie is to track and differentiate user sessions on the website for analytical purposes. It helps Google Analytics provide accurate and aggregated data to website owners, enabling them to measure and improve their website's performance and user experience. | 399 päivää |
_gid | Installed by Google Analytics, _gid cookie stores information on how visitors use a website, while also creating an analytics report of the website's performance. Some of the data that are collected include the number of visitors, their source, and the pages they visit anonymously. | 24 hours |
Hotjar cookies | We use Hotjar cookies. Hotjar is a digital experience insights platform that provides visual behaviour insights. Cookies used by Hotjar tracks how Website users interact with the pages and helps to collect information about the users in order to report Website usage statistics. You can find more information on Hotjar cookies by clicking here. | |
_pk_uid _tq_id.TV-* | These cookies are used to enable optimisation of TV advertising by tracking sessions and conversion timings in relation to TV ad spot air times. | 35 päivää |
DSID | The purpose of the "DSID" cookie is to track user interactions with websites that are using the DoubleClick advertising services. It helps Google collect information about the user's browsing activity, such as the pages they visit, the ads they interact with, and the actions they take on the website. | 14 päivää |
_gaexp | to store ID's of experiments and sessions for A/B testing. | 92 päivää |
SAPISID | The “SAPISID” cookie is used to play YouTube videos embedded on the website. | 2 Years |
_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress, _hjFirstSeen, _hjIncludedInSessionSample_3021418, _hjSession_3021418 | Cookies set by Hotjar to track the session and ensure the accuracy. Includes identifying of first session, holding current session data, ensuring subsequent requests in session are attributed to the same session | Up to 24 hours |
_hjSessionUser_3021418 | This cookie is set by Hotjar. Set when a user first lands on a page. Persists the Hotjar User ID which is unique to that site. Ensures data from subsequent visits to the same site are attributed to the same user ID. | 366 päivää |
_hjMinimizedPolls, _hjDonePolls | is used to track whether a user has minimized or closed a website poll or if user has already participated in poll. This cookie allows the website to remember the user's preference and keep the poll minimized or closed throughout their browsing session, enhancing their user experience by avoiding intrusive or repetitive poll displays. | 365 päivää |
fbq_purchase | The specific purpose of the "fbq_purchase" cookie is to track and record information about user purchases or completed transactions on a website. | Session |
t_gid | Assigns a unique User ID that Taboola uses for attribution and reporting purposes, and to tailor recommendations to this specific user. | 364 päivää |
ANONCHK | Indicates whether MUID is transferred to ANID, a cookie used for advertising. Clarity doesn't use ANID and so this is always set to 0. | Up to 24 hours |
_clck | This cookie is installed by Microsoft Clarity to store information of how visitors use a website and help in creating an analytics report of how the website is doing. The data collected includes the number of visitors, the source where they have come from, and the pages visited in an anonymous form. | 365 päivää |
_clsk | This cookie is installed by Microsoft Clarity to store information of how visitors use a website and help in creating an analytics report of how the website is doing. | 1 day |
Marketing Cookies | ||
OTZ | The specific purpose of the "otz" cookie is to provide information to Google Analytics about the user's journey across different websites and to measure and optimize advertising campaigns | 24 päivää |
_gcl_au | The primary purpose of the "_gcl_au" cookie is to help track the effectiveness of Google Ads campaigns and measure conversions. | Provided by Google Tag Manager to experiment advertisement efficiency of websites using their services. | 90 päivää |
SID | This cookie is used provide ad delivery or retargeting, prevent fraud prevention | 399 päivää |
_fw_crm_v | This cookie holds the tracker id Freshworks use to identify the user who is coming back on to the chat widget for the embedded Freshworks form on the contact page. It is required to enable the site to function. This cookie is provided by Freshworks. Please view their privacy statement here - | 365 päivää |
g_state | Cookie is used to store information related to the current state of the Google Analytics session. It helps track the user's activity, such as the pages they visit, the duration of their visit, and other engagement metrics. The specific purpose of the "g_state" cookie may vary depending on how the website owner has configured Google Analytics and the specific features they have enabled. However, in general, it helps collect data for analytical purposes and provides insights into the website's performance and user behavior. | 173 päivää |
_tt_enable_cookie, _ttp | To measure and improve the performance of your advertising campaigns and to personalize the user's experience (including ads) on TikTok. | 390 päivää |
_uetsid | The primary purpose of the "_uetsid" cookie is to collect and store information about a user's interaction with advertisements served by Microsoft Advertising | 24 hours |
_uetvid | The "_uetvid" cookie enables Microsoft Advertising to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, optimize ad targeting, and improve overall ad performance by attributing user actions, such as clicks and conversions, to specific advertisements. | 39 päivää |
MUID | To store and track visits across websites. This cookie is set by Microsoft Advertising. Identifies unique web browsers visiting Microsoft sites. These cookies are used for advertising, site analytics, and other operational purposes. | 390 päivää |
SRM_B | Identifies unique web browsers visiting Microsoft sites. These cookies are used for advertising, site analytics, and other operational purposes. | 391 päivää |
fr | This cookie is set by Facebook as part of their embedded services on our websites | 21 päivää |
sb | This cookie is used by Facebook to store browser details. | 396 päivää |
oo | This cookie helps store your advertising preferences. | 280 päivää |
xs | The "xs" cookie by Facebook is used for session management and security purposes. It helps identify the user's session, maintain their login status, and ensure the secure transmission of data between the user's browser and Facebook's servers. The "xs" cookie plays a crucial role in authenticating and authorizing the user's access to Facebook's services and protecting their account from unauthorized access. | 365 päivää |
Targeting Cookies | ||
1P_JAR | used by Google to display personalized advertisements on Google sites, based on recent searches and previous interactions. | 30 päivää |
APISID | Personalizes Google ads on websites based on recent searches and interactions. | 399 päivää |
DV | used to track user activity and deliver targeted advertisements. It helps serve relevant ads based on the user's browsing behavior, interests, and demographics. | Up to 24 hours |
SAPSID, __Secure-1PAPISID | used by Google to display personalized advertisements on Google sites, based on recent searches and previous interactions, used to enable Google to collect user information for videos hosted by YouTube. | 399 päivää |
SSID | Google collects visitor information for videos hosted by YouTube on maps integrated with Google Maps. | 399 päivää |
SSIDCC | used by Google to store user preferences and information when users interact with websites that use Google services | 365 päivää |
UULE | ‘UULE’, sends precise location information from your browser to Google’s servers so that Google can show you results that are relevant to your location. The use of this cookie depends on your browser settings and whether you have chosen to have location turned on for your browser. | Up to 6 hours |
__Secure-3PAPISID, _Secure-3PSID | Builds a profile of website visitor interests to show relevant and personalized ads through retargeting. | 399 päivää |
_Secure-3PSIDCC. _Secure-1PSIDCC | Used for targeting to profile the interests of website visitors and display relevant and personalised Google Ads. Used by YouTube for ads on Google/YouTube. | 365 päivää |
IDE | The "IDE" cookie is associated with Google's DoubleClick advertising platform. It is used to store and serve targeted advertisements to users based on their interests and online behavior. | 389 päivää |
_geps, _gess | This cookie is set by as part of their embedded services on our websites | 30 päivää |
m-b, m-b_lax, m-s, m-theme | Quora cookies to measure how visitors are interacting with our website so that we can display relevant advertising to prospective customers. | 358 päivää |
m-sa, m-uid | Quora cookies to measure how visitors are interacting with our website so that we can display relevant advertising to prospective customers. | 393 päivää |
lidid, _lc2_fpi | Collects data on visitors’ behavior and interaction – This is used to make advertisement on the website more relevant. The cookie also allows the website to detect any referrals from other websites. | 400 päivää |
Voit määrittää selaimesi hylkäämään osan tai kaikki evästeet, tai edellyttää luvan kysymistä ennen evästeiden hyväksymistä. Huomioithan, että poistamalla evästeet tai kytkemällä tulevat evästeet pois päältä, osa verkkosivustomme alueista tai ominaisuuksista ei välttämättä ole käytössäsi. Voit hallita toiminnallisten evästeiden, kohdistettujen evästeiden tai mainosevästeiden käyttöä selaimesi asetuksista. Voit tutustua evästeiden hallintaan selaimessasi vierailemalla yhdellä alta löytyvistä sivustoista:
If you have any questions, comments, or complaints regarding how we collect, use, and store your personal information, we have our data protection officers to help you. If you need their help, you may contact them at any time:
E-mail address:
® 2025 Emura Kaikki oikeudet pidätetään.